President assent to the Anti-Witch Craft Bill Now! #OldAgeisnotwitchcraft

This has been an ongoing campaign for the past 3 years. It has taken a different turn this year with the introduction of the Anti-Witch Craft Bill that is yet to be assented to by the President of Ghana. The VOIICE community and movement calls on the President of Ghana to assent to the anti-witchcraft bill. #OLDAGEISNOTWITCHCRAFT

Vigil and campaign against witchcraft accusations.
Calling on Persons in the space of diplomacy and politics, activists, health care professionals to give their voice in a discussion on this issue.
Engaging Chiefs and Community Leaders on the issue of Withc craft accusation and attacks in their community.

Engaging Chiefs and Community Leaders on the issue of Witchcraft accusation and attacks in their community.

A documentary shot to support this campaign
Personal stories were told to support our campaign