Few days ago, Yakubu, a Christian, was accused of posting a blasphemous statement against the Islamic prophet Muhammad. She allegedly made a comment on WhatsApp, criticizing the religion-related posts Muslim classmates discussed in the study group she believed should have been reserved for academic purposes.
On 12 May 2022, Yakubu was forcibly taken from the security room she was hidden in at the Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto. A cab had been waiting outside the school to escort her to safety at the police station. Within the college premises, a mob of fellow students stoned Yakubu and beat her with planks before dumping tires on her and setting them on fire. Her body was burnt beyond recognition. Witnesses say her last words were “What do you hope to achieve with this?”, among her pleas for mercy. The police and school security, who were greatly outnumbered by the mob, failed in an attempt to rescue Yakubu despite firing teargas and warning shots. Christian students fled the premises during the lynching. A trending video of the murder was widely circulated on social media.
If we do not make our voices heard, not only will this continue, the culprits will go scott free like they always do. In 2016, a 74-year-old Christian trader, Bridget Agbahime was beaten to death by a Muslim mob outside her shop in Kano after accusing her of insulting the prophet. Last year, a mob in Darazo district in northeastern Bauchi state burned to death a man accused of insulting the prophet.
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