Reasons why your VOIICE Monthly Earnings are not increasing.
Since the inception of VOIICE, it has only received funding and support from the VOIICE community. We depend on membership funds to run projects and programs with our foundation.
It is therefore important to us that we grow in our numbers to gain the required support to continue to undertake projects and also reach people to churn them into becoming the change makers of our tomorrow.
Giaining access to people through our growth in membership gives us grounds of influence into changing the hearts and thoughts of people to want to see the world differently and find the driving force within them to partake in our movement for change.
We therefore try as much as possible to reward members who work very hard to grow our community by making each and every member a partner of our organization. This is because, truly without them, we can’t do all we do for our world.
Every VOIICE is entitled to up to 27% in monthly commissions whether or not they get new referrals every month. It will solely be based on their refferrals who pay dues. This system does not discriminate, it accrues the funds monthly simply based on dues paid by refferrals.
However, there are reasons why some VOIICEs are earning little to nothing at all every month.
1. VOIICEs are not referring others.
To earn monthly it is necessary to atleast have some refferrals done. You need to grow in numbers (generation) because it is through them that you can earn monthly. You can take a variety of opportunities to grow your generation such as talking to new people you see at VOIICE events, use social media, talk to like-minded friends and family, church folks, class mates and many others.
2. Referrers themselves don’t pay their dues:
As a VOIICE, if you don’t pay dues, the system does not recognize you as active and would therefore not accrue any commissions to you. This means, for example, if in a particular month, your referrals (generation) pays a total of GHS1,000 in dues and the system accrues you about GHS 270, it will not show. You won’t get that money because you didn’t pay your dues for that month. So always make sure you don’t forget to pay your dues, maybe that month, your generation may pay their highest.
3. Their referrals don’t pay dues:
If your referrals don’t pay dues, you won’t earn any commissions because the system will note them as fake refferrals or inactive accounts. You can only earn commissions based on the dues they pay monthly.
4. You don’t engage your referrals
Every VOIICE member is expected to be a founder of his or her own generation. As a founder of your own generation, you are expected to act just like the founder of VOIICE. Constantly engage your followers, organize events or invite them to VOIICE events, be there for them, have your own platforms, remind them to pay their dues, be concerned about them, teach them, train them to also become their own founders for change.
5. Your generation don’t understand VOIICE.
People can only act based on understanding. It is your duty as a founder of your own generation to teach them about VOIICE; make them understand their duties. Without that, they can’t be effective..
I hope this helps you to become the next VOIICE Manager who can work full time as a VOIICE.